Baccalaureate Blessings

Commencement exercises and the Baccalaureate service form the heart of graduation weekend at CC. The Baccalaureate ceremony celebrates the talent and wisdom of our own CC community. Each year, the reflective ceremony features performances by graduating student musicians and an address by a member of the CC faculty who is chosen by graduating seniors.

The college understands the pivotal role that friends and families play at CC. Our idea is to surround graduates with messages of hope as a form of communal blessing, creating a larger sense of community affirmation as the graduates journey forth. Most years, Baccalaureate cards hang in the ceremonial entrance for the Baccalaureate in Shove Chapel and surround students as they process through the doors at the beginning and ending of the ceremony. This year, in the creative spirit of Colorado College, we are excited to create a virtual gathering space of hope and blessing. This space will be available for students and families to connect with throughout the Commencement weekend.

We invite you to surround the Class of 2023 with your hopes, blessings, and wishes by making individual messages for your student and/or classmates. Please note, blessings will be displayed online and during the ceremony. To make sure your blessing is included, please submit by Monday, May 22. Blessings submitted after this date, will still be visible online. 

Here are a few ideas:

  • Decorate and design a blank piece of paper or note card with words and/or images that convey your sentiments for your student and/or classmates. Feel free to use quotes or write your own personal messages. Take a picture when done and post it to the site below. 
  • Create a short video up to 30 seconds in length to share your hopes and wishes.
  • Post a photograph of your student and include a message with hope and blessings.
  • Write a personal message. Perhaps the message includes quotes from one family member or a few; maybe it also includes words from close friends; perhaps it includes words from poetry, books, sacred, religious, or other texts that are meaningful to your family.
  • Need more ideas? See last year's. 


Please add yours below, by clicking the pink + plus icon at the bottom right. You can add video, take a picture, and upload other messages. Important: Don't forget to include the name of the graduate you are blessing, as well as your name in the text of your message. We won't be able to publish posts that do not include this information. 

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Report an issue - Last updated: 04/04/2023