Political Science

The members of the Political Science Department endeavor to show why the study of politics is an important constituent of a liberal education. We seek to promote attention to fundamental political questions, as well as to foster a commitment to the practice of politics both now and in the future. We aim to prepare our students to pursue their professional and academic ambitions as thoughtful, compassionate, responsible, and effective citizens and human beings. Through the four major areas of study - United States politics and government, political theory, international relations, and comparative politics - we aim to develop an understanding of the discipline of political science and of the nature of politics.  

Please click through our menu at the top of the page to learn more about our professors, our students and our studies.


The Political Science Department



For International Political Economy, History-Political Science, and Classics-Politics -History Majors please reference the pull down menu above "requirements for majors".


Fatemeh Haghighatjoo


Constitution Day 2023


Michelle Alexander


Nakyon Lee


Encounter Series


Political Science Photos

Report an issue - Last updated: 10/13/2023